Developer feedback sessions

Hi Tuisters :wave:,

How is the transition to Xcode 16 going? We have our project to build and test with Xcode 16 already :sunglasses: and we couldn’t be more excited about the improvements it brings.

But I’m not here to talk about :xcode:. @marekfort, I have been thinking about how valuable it’d be to have candid video-call conversations with teams and organizations that are using Tuist to get feedback about the tool and answer any questions that you might have about the project and its direction.

From today on, you can book 30 minutes of our time (max 1 per day) to talk with either Marek or me. Use that time to talk about anything Tuist-related, and we might bug you with some feedback questions.

Thanks to everyone; Tuist is what it is, so we must create spaces for developers like you to help us shape the project’s direction.

We are looking forward to talking to you! :slight_smile:

Book a developer feedback session

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